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Chapter 253: Back To That Key Moment ⑨

TL: Resonance

    伊维着魔般地走到尚可身边, 温柔地将他揽入怀中。一股龙气盘旋而出,化作一对金色龙翼, 在身前交叉收拢。强壮的肌肉在光芒映照下,呈现出金属色泽, 看起来如同神祇一般。

Ivan went over to Shang Ke as if bewitched and gently brought him into his embrace. A draconic aura spiralled out, turning into a pair of golden dragon wings which crossed and enclosed in front of his body. The strong muscles let out a metallic color under the light, looking like a god.

    尚可忍不住在他手臂上掐了掐,果然皮糙肉厚, 硬度惊人。自己拒绝了系统提供的羽毛效果,这个男人倒是风骚地把翅膀显摆出来了。

Shang Ke could not help but pinch his arm. Sure enough, the skin was rough and the muscles were thick, the hardness was astonishing. He had rejected the feather effect provided by the system, yet this man displayed his wings so coquettishly.

    伊维的大手落在尚可纤细的腰肢上, 炽热的温度直透肌肤,灼灼的目光扫过他的眉眼,霸道而强势的气息将他牢牢锁定。

Ivan’s large hand fell on Shang Ke’s slender waist. The hot temperature penetrated through the skin and Ivan’s burning gaze swept past his eyebrows. His dominant and strong breath locked him firmly.

    龙族旺盛的精力和强烈的欲念,似乎和这个男人的力量一起觉醒了。仅仅只是靠近,便无法抑制内心的渴望, 隔着衣物也能感受他的硬度。伊维没有迟疑太久,托起尚可身体,将他压在树干上, 解开自己的束缚, 强力推挤而入,以极其熟练的技巧开始激烈运动。

The dragon’s vigorous energy and strong desire seems to have awakened along with this man’s power. Just by being close, it is impossible to restrain the desire in his heart. Shang Ke could feel his hardness even through the clothing. Ivan didn’t hesitate for long. He lifted Shang Ke’s body, pressed him against the trunk, undid anything blocking the way and pushed in strongly. Then, he began to exercise intensely with proficient skill.


“Not here…” Shang Ke panted, “The little elves…”


Ivan’s pupils shrink slightly. He released his draconic aura, instantly setting up a separate area and blocking all the little elves who were running over to meet Shang Ke outside.


Shang Ke glared at him, but his eyes were filled with lust and was not intimidating at all. It only made someone even more excited, “You belong to me alone now, no one can disturb.” He wanted to possess him, penetrate him, and fill his body with his taste again until they were fully exhausted and the night became day…


The news of the failed sneak attack operation caused a great shock within the specters’ ranks. Although it was only a test operation, they have sent all the elites. Even if it failed, it shouldn’t be to the point of a complete loss. However, the result was that all those involved in the operation were taken captive and no one was spared.


This undoubtedly alarmed the specters, making them clearly feel the threat from the Elven Holy Land for the first time.


Because of this change, the specters completely abandoned their plan to divide their troops and instead concentrated their forces to destroy the elves before their power was fully built up.


The war that forced the little elves to sacrifice their lives in his previous life came more than a year earlier than Ivan had expected.


As war is imminent, Ivan spends all the time refining oxygen spirit beads and enchanting weapons. Shang Ke took the elves to run about every day in the area covered by the magic circle to let them familiarize themselves with the terrain, simulate combat scenarios, set traps and so on.


In two months time, the terrain covered by the core magic circle has been thoroughly understood by the little elves, they even know how many bird nests were on each tree.


Hence, Shang Ke took them to the area covered by the second magic circle. This was the activity area belonging to the mixed-blood elves. The appearance of Shang Ke and the little elves soon attracted their attention.


In front of outsiders, Shang Ke always remained semi-materialized and moved through the forest like a phantom. The little elves followed his footsteps, blending in with nature as they ran. They played with magic as they frolicked, familiarizing with each other as they cooperated.


As their former teacher, Mattie paid close attention to their training. In the first few days, she felt that the little elves were just playing around, and there was no discipline in their training. Today a flower was spawned, the next day a charm was drawn, and the day after that perhaps it became a race with animals.


Mattie wasn’t quite approving of this kind of training without supervision, but out of respect for the mother tree, she didn’t dare to question it.


But gradually, she noticed some wonderful changes.


The surrounding trees became lusher than before, the aura was more abundant, and the flowers and trees that were originally ruined and withered regained new vitality. The air seemed to have been washed, becoming fresh, clean and refreshing. The leaves whispered in the wind, the rocks sighed in the fog, the flowers swayed, the rivers rejoiced, and the whole world became completely new.


Countless voices lingered in their ears. These were the calls from life and the whispers of nature. The elven blood in the mixed-blood elves seemed as if it was revived at this moment. Their souls were jumping in joy and their bloods were boiling. The dirt that had blinded their eyes was washed away one by one, leaving only clarity behind.


This is the ability of the elves. The grass and trees are their partners and the flowers and leaves are their eyes and ears.


The philosophy Mattie firmly believed in in her heart was gradually starting to waver. She saw Gray who had mediocre qualifications using the crossbow freely with full accuracy despite being able to see with only one eye. The deaf Wuyin could listen to the sound of the land. Lorinda who was poisoned by fire can skillfully manipulate fire magic. Aram whose body was partially a tree can revive dead trees. Kanyo who has short memories can communicate with animals… The disable elves who were deemed as useless by her displayed their talents and specialities under the guidance of their mother tree.


It is not that the little elves are useless. It was them who were not qualified to be their teachers. Even though their bodies were weak, they still have the purest hearts power in the world.


The difference between pure-blood elves and mixed-blood elves is not in the bloodline, but in the soul. They have already forgotten how to be a true elf.


Mattie knelt down and crossed her arms over her chest. She bowed piously in the direction of the mother tree.


Mother Tree, I have been small and ignorant. I have lost myself in the vastness of the world and deviated from the faith of the elves. I plea for forgiveness and hope to return to your embrace and become one of your people again.


There are many more mixed-blood elves who have been infected just like her. The seeds that have awakened have silently taken root in the souls of the mixed-blood elves…


Seven months later, the army of the specters arrived as scheduled.


A group of blacksmiths led by Ivan made a large number of oxygen spirit weapons for the alliance army. And with the help of the terrain and magic circle, their first encounter made the specters retreat in defeat.


Although they were better prepared for this war than the previous life, the gap in their strength still exists. Shang Ke and his little elves could only assist in the battle from the rear. However, the mixed-blood elves who were guided by Shang Ke separated from the alliance and formed an independent team and were able to fight with unprecedented strength.


Elves are the nemesis of the specters, and their innate natural aura is the best weapon. The natural aura of the mixed-blood elves has already become thin, but with the aid of special weapons and the advantageous environment, it was enough to give the specters trouble.


The magic circle was fully activated, not allowing the specters to pass through. Ivan wandered around the edge of the circle choosing specters to backstab. As for the puppet army under the specters’ control, it was left to the alliance army to handle.


The little elves assisted in the battle from the rear under the protection of the magic circle. All the animals and plants in the Fayser Forest were their partners. Gray stood on a high point, each arrow shooting down one enemy; Lorinda sat on a tree branch and happily threw fireballs; Wuyin played the harp by the stream and used music to raise morale; Michael could predict the enemy’s movement at any time; Sara was so powerful that she could cut rocks and change the terrain; Shadi could control all the scents in the world and give the enemy the most sour smell to “enjoy”; Kanyo went on a rampage with animals, professionally creating chaos; Shear operated a levitating wheelchair and supported in the air; Aram grew plants which assisted in attacking; Miya hid in the shadows and went and go invisibly like a ghost; Erika’s hard hair rooted in the ground and quickly build magic circle; Bubbles who was the oldest had no special skills, but he has the most powerful natural aura and the ability to mobilize the natural aura of others.


The variety of attacks made the specters and his puppet soldiers suffer a lot. They had never fought such a stifling battle before, as if the whole forest was working against them. The closer they got to the magic circle, the weirder the situation became. One moment they were raging, the next moment they were tripping over tree branches. There was clearly nothing in front of them, but they crashed and hurt their heads so much to the point of bleeding when they rushed forward. They slashed about murderously towards their enemy, only to find that their weapons were missing from their hand. These were just a few examples and saying more would make them cry.


Ivan squatted on a big tree, silently looking down at the enemy army that had been made dizzy. In his previous life, this war relied on the sacrifice of the little elves to barely drive the specters out of the forest. In contrast to today, he now knows how sad and worthless their previous choice was. The little elves had great power and talent, but did not get to use any of it. In the end, they had to die a sad death at the cost of their lives.


“How did the little elves do?” Shang Ke’s light-hearted voice suddenly sounded from behind him, interrupting Ivan’s thoughts.


 A gust of breeze brushed by, and Shang Ke’s figure appeared beside Ivan.






“You’re so great.” It’s really, really great to see you back again and have everything they have today.


Why are you suddenly getting emotional? Shang Ke gave him a strange look.


Ivan hugged him and gave him a fierce kiss on the mouth: “Darling, I’m going to go kill. Wait for me to come back with lots of people’s heads to give you.” After saying that, he leaped and instantly disappeared from Shang Ke sight.


Shang Ke was speechless. Other people give their lovers flowers, rings and luxury cars, but you are going to give me heads?


Sure enough, no matter how many lifetimes have passed, this guy’s appeal and romantic value have not been raised, always staying below the passing line.


The war lasted until dusk before it ended. The specters suffered their true first miserable defeat, losing two-third of their main force. The specters were oppressed throughout, especially the specters who headed towards the center of the land. They were basically all sealed and captured. Ivan alone downed at least thirty specters.


The casualties for the alliance army side are not small though. They endured the most violent first wave of attacks. The results of the battle were remarkable under the assistance of the mixed-blood elves.


The magic circle was unscathed, and the faint layer of light, in the afterglow of the setting sun, was like a guardian god standing between the sky and the land.




The Alliance has won?


The enemy has abandoned their armor and fled in haste, but the crowd still couldn’t believe the facts before their eyes. All along, their battles with the specters had always been accompanied by tragic sacrifices and defeats. They had even forgotten the taste of victory. It was so wonderful, so unreal, so much so that people wanted to… cry.




“We won!”


The cheers from all over the mountain swept through the world like a tsunami, and the whole Fayser Forest was boiling.


Shang Ke listened to the cheers outside the magic circle and smiled. He sent the elves, who were so tired that they fell asleep, into the tree house one by one.


Then, he turned his head to look at the man beside him and asked softly, “What do you want to do next?”


“Of course it’s to…” Ivan generally hugged him, “do you!”


This war completely broke the balance between the two sides. The specters lost their last chance to destroy the elves. From then on, the elves began to develop and grow rapidly. The mixed-blood elves scattered all over the continent have returned one after another and became the children of the mother tree again, becoming the guardians of the Holy Land. Led by twelve elves, together they built their own home.


Ten years later, the mother tree bore an elf seed, which was the first new life condensed since the resurrection of the mother tree. The elves were scarce in number, their bloodline was thin, and only twelve small elves remained with the true bloodline. The appearance of this seed is undoubtedly the hope of the entire elven race.


It’s just that this seed is somewhat special. It has a light golden glow on its shell, containing both the purity of natural energy and also an awe-inspiring pressure.


No one knows that the life birthed by this fruit has pure elven blood and the majestic dragon breath.


He is the future Elf King of the Elf race.


In the history of elves, he is the most powerful and most special elf king.

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7 thoughts on “[HDS] Chapter 253: Back To That Key Moment ⑨

  1. CattyCoopster says:

    Haven’t watched that anime yet. Maybe I should.

  2. GhostBear says:

    No Game No life is pretty good

  3. forestshadeau says:

    Thanks for the hard work love the story ^_^

  4. maenemo says:

    Omo the fruit of their love🤭☺☺

  5. FauFau says:

    Thank you so much, what a nice end 💜

  6. ahriagaesushi says:

    A dragon and an elf offspring? That’s awesome! I’ve never saw one! And the author just passed through it 。:゚(;´∩`;)゚:。
    They always skip the children… so sad

  7. itsspica says:

    yeayyy anthr babies

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