[TA] Chapter 46: If you can start over, will you regret?

Happy New Year and a late Merry Christmas!

Hope you all had a wonderful vacation. Here’s the new chapter!

PS: I got engaged~ >///<


10 thoughts on “[TA] Chapter 46: If you can start over, will you regret?

  1. Akkachu says:

    🎉Happy New Year 🎉 Congrats on your engagement (^o^)/✧*。•̀.̫•́✧

  2. exqalph03 says:

    Happy New Year~!!! Congratulations on your engagement~ ^^.

  3. senyangi says:

    Happy New Year!! Congrats on your engagement and thank you for the new chapter!! 🙂

  4. Anon says:

    Happy new year!!! and congrats on your engagement wah

  5. Deena says:

    Happy New Year and congrats soo soo much 🤗😇 on your engagement. God bless you both😊

  6. Duke says:

    Congrats 😀

  7. CherryMxTx says:

    I eagerly await your translations.

  8. lian villanueva says:

    is it okay to post Thousand Autumns in wattpad for offline purposes? 😊

  9. Rira says:


  10. Lee says:

    Congratulations on your engagement, wish you many happy blessings and a beautiful life ahead

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