[MHIAU] Chapter 7: A Devious Xin’er

I like this girl! Hehehe, things getting better! And an interesting thing I found on how Jiangshi’s (the undead in this book) come about xD Chapter here Translator: Heilong Editors: Purpledragon, MrPriest

[MHIAU] Chapter 6: The Forewarned ‘Smashed Porcelain’

Heilong: Enjoy^^ Editors: Purpledragon, MrPriest The drama is starting hehehehehe Chapter here

[MHIAU] Chapter 5: A Fairy-Like Miss

Here is the next chapter~ Apparently the original raws don’t have romance tagged on it… so is this romance or not lmao -_-lll Btw, Fairy and Immortal use the same characters in chinese~ So the title can go either way~ Current Status: Cleaning out fridge… Tired of eating the same thing over and over again Read More

[MHIAU] Chapter 4: A Housekeeper’s Fate

Meant to do this yesterday, but forgot oops. Happy Friday everyone~ May you all survive the pollen Chapter here TL: Heilong TLC: Randomanon Editors: Purpledragon, MrPriest

[MHIAU] Chapter 3: Asking a Tiger for Its Skin

A reintroduction of it for those who missed it down below~ (Or for some strange reason people thought it was a joke… which in all honesty… if there were some, then rip. But all I did was be an annoyance on April Fools :p) I have to say, what do people have against supernatural romance… Read More